Quoi de neuf sur la blogo mode numéro 148

1. Bittersweet colours 2. The sound of breaking up   3. Streets and stripes  4. Maddinka  5.Le blog da Lê  6. Oh my vogue  7. Fashion Pea 8. Oh my vogue 9. Blonde bedhead  10 . Strawberry Koi 11 .De lune  12. Elo Fancy 13. Marzipan 14. Flattery 15. Moon Magic 16. Tina Sizonova 17. Colorowa Dusze 18.  Cupcake's clothes 19. The clothes horse  20. Adventures in fashion 21. Le blog de Mok 22. Slanelle style 23. Bekleidet 24. Julia Monson  25. Get ready 26. Lucitisima  27. The trend spotter 28. Bittersweet colours 29. Kayture 30. shop and twirl

Bonne semaine !

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