1. Macademian Girl 2. Stook Pook 3. Sea of shoes 4. Becky Bedbud 5 . The Anita Kurkach Diaries 6. Thrill of the heels 7. Death by platforms 8. On the racks 9. A little Princesse 10. Keiko lynn 11. Tini Tani 12. Can never be a skinny bitch 13. Lost in the Haze 14. Stylemiths 15. Mod fox 16. Wendy's lookbook 17. Too many sequins 18. The clothes horse 19. The Katherine's way 20. Fashion Bananas 21. Steffy's pros and cons 22. The Katherine's way 23. Olivia Taylor 24. Je suis Monika 25 . Chloé's addiction 26 My blonde Gal 27. Bittersweet colours 28 . Viva Luxury 29. Style2bones
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